a white building with white couches and pink flowers
Contact Us

How to reach us

For Reservations

P.O. Box #6
Grand Anse Beach, St. George's
Grenada, W.I.

US Toll Free: 800 501 8603
UK Toll Free: 0808 189 0088
Tel: 473 444 4258 or 473 444 4423
Fax: 473 444 4807

Public Relations

UK: The Brandman Agency
Contact: Lizzie Morrison

Email: spiceisland@brandmanagency.com

Sales Representation

UK: Debbie Cleary- Clear Marketing
Tel: ++44 203 096 1601
++44 203 096 1600

*When dialing the contact numbers from the UK and Europe, dial 001 before the area code. From the US, Canada and all other countries, dial 1 473.

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